Электроинструмент Makita по низким ценам
knee surgery

Steel Mill and Casting.

Variety, technology and productivity.

Brazil has the largest steel industrial park in South America, being extremely important for the economy and generating a high number of direct and indirect jobs. The different stages of this segment have a variety of heavy machinery that work under extreme operating regimes, such as hydrodynamic bearings, chains, industrial engines, hydraulic systems, among others. Chemlub is highly specialized in lubrication for the sector, developing and offering lubricants able to work in the most complex working conditions, such as extremely high temperatures, loads and pressures, and high levels of contamination by water and steam, conditions which common lubricants could not. support for longer periods.

More information: CONTACT US


Chemlub Produtos Químicos Ltda.
Rua Luiz Carlos Brunello, 311-335
ZIP CODE: 13278-074 – Valinhos/SP - Brazil
Phone: +55 19 3881-8644 / 3881-2400
Fax: +55 19 3881-1215
Email: chemlub@chemlub.com.br

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