Электроинструмент Makita по низким ценам
knee surgery

Meat Processing Plant.

Ideal products for the challenges of the refrigeration industry.

Every day the competition and competitiveness of the refrigerator market increases, demanding from producers more quality, safety, hygiene and greater care in the storage of products. For this reason, the segment specializes even more, with new machinery and technologies.

Chemlub, knowing the needs and challenges of the sector, offers state-of-the-art lubricants, in addition to having a complete line of food grade lubricants with NSF-H1 certification for the large number of machinery found in slaughterhouses such as meat grinders, strippers, hydraulic fillers, conveyor belts, trolley elevators, electric mixers, conveyor systems, cutting machines, refrigeration compressors, freezing tunnels, vacuum packers, vacuum pumps, among many others.

More information: CONTACT US


Chemlub Produtos Químicos Ltda.
Rua Luiz Carlos Brunello, 311-335
ZIP CODE: 13278-074 – Valinhos/SP - Brazil
Phone: +55 19 3881-8644 / 3881-2400
Fax: +55 19 3881-1215
Email: chemlub@chemlub.com.br

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